Shortened hours June 4 - 6th

Please note that Spoonful will be open 11 - 5 today, Friday and Saturday this week so staff can attend Nelsonville Music Festival.
Hours this week:
Thur, June 2: 11 - 5
Fri, June 3: 11 - 5
Sat, June 4: 11 - 5
Sun, June 5: 12 - 6
Sorry for any inconvenience!


  1. I love this place. There is a welcoming energy with the owners. I enjoy Fred's conversation and helpful spirit. He is quite knowledgeable and diverse. I believe in supporting small businesses that have a passion for what they do. The prices on used vinyl are so very reasonable that I don't waste my time in Half Price Books anymore. Prices on new vinyl are pretty much market retail.


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